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Agent online shopping and sourcing services in China


Agent online shopping and sourcing services in China

We are a shipping and storage company in Shenzhen , we can help you to carry out online shopping and procurement services in China , such as Taobao, Tmail, Alibaba etc e-commerce sourcing platform. for sourcing and inquiry services.

Meanwhile, we can also assist you looking for the right supplier in China. to assist your inquiry, purchase samples, quality testing, collecting goods and labeling, for marks, re-play packaging, handling, and conduct maritime container transport or international air services .

Of course, We can only provide the address to you too, you can let your supplier delivery to our warehouse, we help you receiving, for packaging, for customs clearance and arrange appropriate shipping company transport to your country.

Also, if you are a foreign company, if you need to set up offices or contact point in China, , there is a  address to send and receive letters, parcels receiving, transit of goods, etc., we can help you.

 Welcome to your delegate and advice!

Our contact information:

 Email: kevinchiu008@gmail.com


Agent online shopping in China
Agent sourcing in China
Agent receive letters in Shenzhen
Help parcels receiving, transit of goods in China
Agent storage goods in Shenzhen China
The mailbox service and set up offices or contact point in China
Rent Warehouse in Shenzhen China
Agent container transport or international air services in China
Agent purchase samples in China
Help you quality testing and collecting goods in South China





  关于我们 | 人才招聘| 仓储物业管理 |投融资与招商加盟 |运输,速递与包装发货服务 | 友情链接 | 营业时间和地理位置 | 意见建议

Mob: 135-1014-2250
Tel 0755-8623-8209
Email: hokokochina@126.com
QQ 2183455057
Wechat: 13510142250
Web: www.hokoko.cn